Book a Medication Check-up
Your pharmacist is an important part of your healthcare team. In addition to dispensing your medications, they can play an important role in monitoring and managing your prescriptions to ensure any medical treatments you’re receiving are safe and effective. Your pharmacist may be able to adapt prescriptions, extend or renew prescription refills, and prescribe for minor ailments in selected provinces. They can work closely with your doctor to prevent medication interactions and tailor treatment to your unique health needs.
If you take several medications, we recommend that you book a medication check-up with your pharmacist at least once or twice a year, and as needed for routine follow-up to:
- Review and update your medication list
- Identify and resolve any potential medication-related concerns
- Develop a personalized care plan
- Review any chronic health conditions such as diabetes or asthma
- Update and administer your vaccines and injectables, learn more about Vaccinations
How to prepare for a medication check-up:
- Complete a list of medications you take, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, vitamins and supplements, and natural health products or download this tool to assist you
- Provide related lab results or records, if applicable.
- Records of your immunization history, if applicable.
Although they’re available without a prescription, some over-the-counter medications are unsafe for people with certain health conditions or on prescriptions. Our pharmacists can advise on which non-prescription medications are okay to take given your unique circumstances. If you require treatment options for certain minor ailments, your pharmacist may be authorized to prescribe a prescription medication in selected provinces. Some examples of minor ailments may include a skin or bladder infection, insect bites, or allergic rhinitis. See your pharmacist for details.